This blog post will be my best attempt at summarizing the gospel, as I understand it today. I say that, because I think when it comes to matters of faith (or matters, in general) it's good to come at them from the perspective that your thoughts and understanding may change. I try to be open to that, while still holding fast to Truth.
So. The Gospel. The Good News. Here it is.
Jesus Christ, who was God born in flesh, lived a sinless life but was hated by many. In their hatred and according to Gods' plan, Jesus was sentenced to death by being nailed to a cross. Jesus suffered, died and was buried in a tomb. After three days, Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Over the course of 40 days, Jesus appeared before crowds of people, before being raised into the sky.
There's so much there, even in that brief description. At any point, I recognize, I may lose some of you, hopefully not on account of my failure to adequately explain my thoughts.
There is a God (who takes various forms, including that of a man, namely Jesus). Jesus was sinless, meaning he was perfectly holy. No evil existed in Him or by His hand. Jesus was murdered, by men under a hateful and barbaric government. All that seems reasonably plausible. But here's where it gets crazy. Now we have a man, who comes back to life, after being murdered. Zombie apocalypse? No. He just appears to talk with many who would choose to listen, and instructs them in how to live. Then he floats into the sky, never to be seen again.
And this is the foundation of my faith. I believe this really happened. I recognize that sounds crazy. What's crazier, maybe, are the implications of what happened.
I believe God created us as eternal beings. That means although our lifetime on Earth will invariably end in death, our souls will exist for eternity. The standard for a soul to exist in the presence of God, is perfection. All others exist separate from God. Our culture calls that existence Hell. The definition of Hell is existence absent of and separate from God.
At birth, we each inherited a knowledge of both good and evil. We needed no instruction in right and wrong. I look around at our broken world and see the evil (and good) that exists in man-kind. I look in the mirror and see the evil (and good) that exists in my own heart. Aside from Jesus, no one has lived a sinless life. All have sinned and fallen short of the perfect standard required to exist in the presence of God.
But Jesus' death was not just a heinous murder. It was a strategic plan by God, to make a way for a sinful world to again have the opportunity to exist in His presence for eternity. Gods' plan allows for any person, who would admit his failure to be perfect, and accept through belief, that Jesus is who He said He is (God) and did what He said He did (died and raised), could be eternally forgiven and accepted into right standing with a Holy God to exist in His presence for eternity. Good News!
I asked Josh and few years ago how he thought the death of one man, was sufficient to provide adequate payment for the collective sins of all man-kind. It didn't seem fair to me. Some of the horrible things that happen in our world, seemed too much to be so easily erased by one act of sacrifice. This is what Josh told me. The important part wasn't the act that happened, but WHO it happened to. Jesus was GOD. It's a really tough thing to wrap your mind around, who God is. I'll throw out some words to try to paint a picture. All-mighty. Holy. All-powerful. Righteous. All-knowing. Just. There are hundreds of other words to describe who God is, but even if I listed all of them, I'm not sure any of us can fully understand Him, because we have no frame of reference for what a being of that nature would look like. Certainly not like any of us. But I'm gonna try. I have the image in my head. ok.
GOD. He made a choice to lay aside His standing, to become one of us. We can't fully know what attributes of “Godness” Jesus maintained on Earth (was He still all powerful and all knowing, etc.?). But we do know that He was fully human. Confined in flesh. Subject to human bodily functions and emotions. Living in a world far removed in culture, but not unlike our own. Gosh, I'm trying but I still can't do it. I can't imagine what it meant or looked like for Him to give up His standing as GOD to take on the state of humanity. But He did it. And I believe that sacrifice, and His subsequent death/resurrection are what makes one death sufficient for all.
Of course you're left with the question, what about those who don't believe? I've heard it put this way. They are given that which they desired all along. To exist in separation from God.
This concludes my interpretation of the gospel, as I understand it. This is my favorite thing to talk about. Let me know if you want to talk!