
5 years DAMSEL

Today marks 5 years since the day I Googled 
"up and coming direct sales companies" 
stumbling upon a young company trying to change the world by selling affordable self defense tools, and decided to give it a whirl.

When I enrolled, I told myself, "I'm going to do this for at least 5 years" because I knew you didn't build a business overnight and I didn't want to regret quitting on an opportunity, before I’d had a chance to succeed at it. Look at me! :) I really did it! 5 years, baby!

Now seems as good a time as any to get reflective, so here are snippets of my journey with Damsel in Defense over the last 5 years:

My babies in 2012
My work has changed as my life has changed! This has been one of my very favorite parts of working for Damsel in Defense.  At times it felt like failure, but I’ve come to see the value in it more than the loss.  When I first enrolled in 2012, my kids were 1 and 3 years old.  I didn’t have much time or energy to work my business, because my primary role was taking care of those sweet little ones.  But as the seasons in my life changed, my business did too.  I’ve walked (sometimes crawled) through some of the hardest years in my life in the last 5 years, and my business has walked (sometimes crawled) along with me.   I’ll never take for granted that I work with a company that enables me to have crisis’ and milestones, slow seasons and peaks, and I’m always welcome there and valued regardless of which season I’m in.

I’ve struggled with the direct sales industry.  (Notice my last blog post, from 2016, about Pyramid Schemes)  Off and on throughout the entire 5 years I’ve been working with Damsel, I’ve wrestled with the industry we operate within.  When I first enrolled, I was embarrassed I’d chosen to join a direct sales company.  I even told people so.  I’ve found myself everywhere on the spectrum from embarrassed to very proud of my work in this industry.  What I’ve learned most is this:  Most people generally have animosity towards the direct sales industry, but they also don’t understand it at all.  And what they think is wrong with it, in my opinion, is NOT what’s wrong with it.  People think DS is crappy because they think it’s a pyramid scheme with drones of lower level pee on’s getting duped by big wigs making millions off the masses.  In reality, this is entirely untrue, and it’s actually one of the BEST things about the DS industry.  ANYONE….literally anyone, any age, gender, education level, religious persuasion can be highly successful in the direct sales industry, and there are LOTS of average people making a really decent living wage running mid-level DS businesses, because they work hard and don’t quit. 

With that said, I have still wrestled with the industry, but mostly for a different reason.  And it’s this…most of the direct sales industry feels like it’s selling lifestyle or vanity with a super high price tag.   I think that’s the real reason most people are turned off, but they’re just afraid to tell their friends that they don’t want to spend that much money on things they don’t really need (or want). 

Despite that I have never for a moment felt that I sold vanity or lifestyle or that it was overpriced.  And this is why I’ve been able to persevere.  I have seen and felt the great value of bringing safety to our communities at a very low price, for a company with such high integrity that they give free products those customers who have been assaulted.  It’s been my great honor to hear from customers, old and young, who have deterred assaults thanks to having equipped hands, as well as those who have moved beyond years of fear and found peace of mind and healing through their purchases and partnering in our company.

I’ll never take for granted getting to play this role in my customers and hostesses lives, though I suspect my wrestling will continue for the next 5 years.  Because I’ll still be working in an industry that gets a very bad rap, so that I can continue to do that which God has laid on my heart as the best way for me to impact our communities and families.  The loyalty, friendship and connection I’ve shared with many of my customers and hostesses drives me to continue working in this industry.  As does the reality that my message often falls on deaf ears because of the industry we operate in.

I’ve found a community.  This I didn’t expect.  I wasn’t lacking community when I started.  That’s not why I joined.  But I found something that I never really expected.  It started with the people who knit their lives to mine, in some capacity, by deciding to work with me for Damsel.  I’ve seen lots of people….well over 200 people come and go, 73 of which have linked directly to me as their mentor in the company.  Though I haven’t come to know all of them well, I have come to LOVE some of them deeply.  The friendships and companionship that I’ve found from like-minded and passionate men and women joining with me on my team to try to change the lives of people recovering from trauma and prevent others from experiencing it have changed my life.  I could never leave Damsel, because my people are there.  And they’ve trusted me to work with them on this mission.

Me with Co-Founds, Bethany and Mindy, in 2014.
But it gets even better than that.  I’ve found a place in the larger Damsel family, as I’ve traveled around the country, met other Damsel Pro’s outside my team, and formed personal relationships with the men and women who run our corporate office.  I’ve found a tribe of some of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever met.  They push me to be better than I am, in business and in life.  They challenge my faith, by living selflessly their own, in ways I really hope I emulate.  They see something in me that many others don’t.  And they include me in a family that I’m truly, truly honored to be a part of.  Leaving Damsel would mean a loss greater than I could describe, because of the sisterhood and friendships I’ve developed with our home office staff and the other directors and Damsel Pro’s across the company.

So now that I’ve hit the 5 year mark…what’s next?!  Another 5 years?  Maybe!  I’ve been doing this long enough to know that I can continue doing it in whatever capacity I want.  I’ve also been doing this long enough to see the great potential I have still not tapped within my business.  As I enter, yet another, new season in life, with both kids in school and recently taking on another business opportunity, I feel really thankful that I jumped on board with Damsel in Defense 5 years ago.  I’ve made money.  Made friends.  Made impact.  And it feels, in some ways, Damsel is a bit knit to my soul.  I can’t predict what the future will hold for my business, family or life, but I suspect Damsel will continue to be a part of it.  And I’m pretty excited about that!


Is My Direct Sales Business a Pyramid Scheme?

I have the coolest friends.  Some really fun people who care deeply about the world and those in it.  And I've noticed something happening in my circle as it relates to their reaction to my chosen field of work.  I'll expand.

In August 2012, I decided (in addition to this blog to keep my sanity as a stay at home mom) to start working for a company called Damsel in Defense.  If you're reading this, you're probably my close friend, and you're probably well aware of Damsel, but for the sake of any who might stumble upon this less familiar I'll provide back drop.

Damsel in Defense is a direct sales company that operates in the party plan industry.  We sell non-lethal self defense items like stun guns and pepper sprays, and a diverse line of other products all aimed at helping the average person stand a better chance to stay safe in our world.  I bought a starter kit.  I asked my friends to come to my launch party (no one did).  I gradually scheduled home parties and vendor events to share our products with those around me, and I invited others to join our company if they, too, had a heart for those who are victimized and a need to get out of the house or build a small business.  

I don't catch a lot of flack for what I do, I think primarily because of Damsel's powerful mission to help others, but I have still noticed a sort of secret my friends seem to be trying to keep from me.  When we talk about my business they ask circular questions...trying desperately not to reveal their real feelings about my work...but eventually the dreaded "pyramid" word gets uttered under their breath.  I think they're (mostly) trying not to hurt my feelings.

You're familiar with the business model.  I'm sure of it.  It's been around since forever....exploding in the US in the 1970's with Tupperware and make up, predominantly.

What is it about what I have just written that makes people feel like this is an illegitimate business?  Cause if you're like me, you've got this weird taste in your mouth while I talk about it.  Maybe 'sounds fishy' to you.  Annoying, at best.  An utter scam, at worst.  When I started I felt the weight of that preconceived notion.  I actually told some of you, as I introduced what I'm doing, "I'm kinda embarrassed I'm doing this, but...".  Because we've all been schooled that direct sales and MLM (or Multi Level Marketing) businesses are (duh, duh, duh) PYRAMID SCHEMES!!!

They have to be, right?!  You enroll.  And your success, largely, depends on the number of people you bring into the company, and the number of people they bring into the company, etc etc etc.  See.  Pyramid.  I follow your logic.

I'll see your direct sales pyramid, and raise you a McDonalds pyramid.

You get hired on.  You do the grunt work.  Work long hours, get paid very little.  There's like 30 grunts working around the clock.  Maybe 4 shift managers, 2 assistant managers and one manger, each getting paid more than you for training and supervising you and carrying more responsibility, but possibly less "work".  Above them are corporate employees.  Marketing employees, a shipping department, executives, VP's, CEO's, all of whom are making BIG BUCKS.  PYRAMID.   Is the only difference that you buy a kit?  Is that what is bothersome?

OK.  Don't buy the franchise model?  How about your school?  

Your local school has service staff like custodians and cafeteria works (Lunch Ladies, represent!), teaching staff (the majority of employees) who are doing the actual work, day in and day out with students, and most are making salaries, working full-time, that still place their families under the government regulated poverty line.  They didn't buy a starter kit....but they did invest THOUSANDS of dollars getting their college degrees and teachers license, passing all the necessary tests to obtain the RIGHT to teach in our schools.  (PS...I have my teaching license.  I would rather be staying home with my kids and building a direct sales business than working in that profession right now).  So why does paying for college and licensing exams so that teachers can get poor paying jobs, some with low job security, not bother you and cause the same disdain you likely feel towards direct sellers?   I got distracted.  The teachers have administrative staff.  Deans.  Vice-Principals.  Data Specialists.  Principals.  Super Intendants.  All of whom have likely been around longer....are better trained....have more schooling (which they paid for) and are making bigger salaries.  PYRAMID???

If you look at just about ANY business or organization structure, you will see this same "pyramid".  It doesn't mean the business is fraudulent or the organization is bunk.  It just means that there is an ORDER to things.  Those who overcome obstacles.  Work hard.  Stick around.  End up putting the time and work necessary into reaching the highest levels of success in their field.

But WAIT.  Am I saying that there's no such thing as a Pyramid or Ponzi Scheme???   No WAY.  There's real fraudulent activity (especially going on online) everyday that you DO need to be vigilant for.  But take a moment and get educated on what those actually look like before you assign the rightful disdain for fraudulent businesses that are ripping off people all around the world, to your friends and loved ones who are working in direct sales.

So HISTORY lesson time.  Hopefully you know that pyramid schemes are illegal.  Like federally regulated, illegal.  There's this agency called the Federal Trade Commission that was established by congress in 1914 with the core function of ensuring that free markets work.  They have a Consumer Protection Bureau, an Economics bureau and a Competition Bureau.  With the exception of a few areas like air travel and insurance, they have broad law enforcement authority over virtually every sector in our economy (I'll site my sources at the end).  But the FTC isn't the only agency on the look out for pyramid schemes....add to that list The Securities and Exchange Commission, The U.S Department of Justice, the FBI and the U.S Postal Inspection Service.  They all prosecute pyramid schemes criminally.

They also have very specific standards that classify a business as a pyramid scheme.  I'll share them with you.  They do come in MANY different forms, and sometimes can be very good at hiding their real structure, so make sure you look for these key points when deciding if something is or isn't a pyramid scheme, especially if you're considering partnering with them.

  • Your income is based mainly on the number of people you recruit, and the money those new recruits pay to join the company — not on the sales of products to consumers
  • You’re required to buy lots of inventory
  • You’re forced to buy other things you don’t want or need just to stay in good standing with the company

Here's my way of rewording that:  A pyramid scheme is recruiting driven, not product driven, and definitely not consumer driven.  They may sell a product, but if MOST of that product is being purchased or "consumed" by it's own distributors, then they may be a pyramid scheme.  It is ILLEGAL for a company to pay you for recruiting.  If you make an actual dollar amount for every distributor you bring into the company, regardless of whether they do ANYTHING within the company, your company is not in line with legal practices.   (It is NOT illegal, or unethical, to make a small commission percentage on the sales of those you train and mentor in a business....please stop acting like it is.) If, as a distributor, you have quotas of product that you are required to purchase on autoship (and may or may not actually consume or sell), your company may not be in line with legal practices.  Additionally, if your company is charging highly exorbitant prices for it's products, you might be dealing with a pyramid scheme.  Exorbitant pricing sets the back drop for distributors to have garages full of inventory with no end consumer, that they have purchased to maintain a good standing with the company, but do not have enough consumers who actually want to purchase said products at those prices.

The Federal Trade Commission breaks pyramid schemes down to this ONE primary characteristic that is involved in EVERY pyramid scheme, "They promise consumers or investors large profits based primarily on recruiting others to join their program, not based on profits from any real investment or real sale of goods to the public."  

You might be totally bored by now, but stay with me for one more minute.  (PS...Ponzi schemes are a whole different beast that doesn't involve a product at all.  Do some research.  I literally had a friend at my kitchen table say to me that all direct sales are Ponzi schemes.  It was insulting and inaccurate).

Now I want to say this.  I GET IT!!  I get why people bunch direct sales into the umbrella of pyramid schemes.  Here's why I think they do:

1.  They don't like that you have to invest ANYTHING before making a profit, even though most direct sales companies are selling a kit full of reduced price products to help a new consultant launch their business. (see my comments above about investing in college and other business licensure for my thoughts there)

2. They think it's wrong that you make more money based on the number of people that you train and mentor in the company, because you make a commission on their sales.  (I also addressed this briefly earlier, but I'd love to talk to anyone interested about how this is the structure of all businesses.  And those who aren't good at mentoring are not reaping big rewards.)

3.  They assume all direct sales companies are selling a "Get Rich Quick" mentality.  I assure you.  I am not.  Damsel in Defense is not.  Though I am amazed at the potential for income that is there, it is most certainly not a get rich quick scheme.  Those advertising that, typically, have questionable practices.

4.  They see that THE MAJORITY of people who start direct sales businesses quit within the first year, and those who made bad choices or worked for companies with questionable policies, may have lost money.  This is absolutely true.  But consider this.  Out of the MILLIONS of Americans who invest in a gym membership every year....how many actually keep working out and lose weight?!  I don't have a stat there, but I'm guessing the MAJORITY of people paying for a gym membership aren't actually going to the gym often and putting in the needed work to lose weight.  Or they hit it hard for about 2 months and get mad because they didn't lose 50 pounds immediately and decide to try something else.  Sound familiar?  Is the gym fraudulent because some people (most people) sign up and don't actually work out?  This is your logic here.  (There are indeed schemes out there that force people to buy large quantities of products and business supplies, etc with enrollment.  I would be weary of those.  Damsel in Defense is not one of those).  But this is true of the nature of direct sales....so I get that some people see that 'trend' as lesser...but it is not fraudulent.  In fact, I've come to respect the equal opportunity for success that direct sales offers more than almost any other field.  The fact that most won't work or persevere to get to that point does not make it any less obtainable.  I would have a real problem if I thought I was enrolling people who were destined by the nature of the industry to lose money when they joined me in my work.  I wouldn't work for a company structured like that.  I train all my new recruits and downline to never OVER invest.  They should be making money when they get paid.  Not recouping losses.

5. They're ANNOYED by friends spamming them and constantly trying to sell and recruit them to things.  I agree.  It's annoying.  I bet it happens to me more than you.  Don't give your attention to people who are using business practices that are annoying.  But don't call them pyramid schemes solely because you are annoyed they exist.  Our company teaches us how to be appropriate and respectful of our consumers.  Offering a solution where there is a need, not forcing it on those not asking.  Even in a company where this is the teaching, some will follow the example of those sending mass messages and adding everyone they know to private groups to be solicited.  It's annoying.  It's not illegal.  If you don't like it, don't buy from those people.  Their business will struggle and they'll eventually stop bugging you.

OK!!  Here's my final thought.  If you're a friend of mine, and you think I'm involved in something that could be detrimental for my life, finances or health....don't beat around the bush.  SHARE YOUR CONCERN WITH ME.  I would much rather have friends who tell me they think I'm working for a pyramid scheme and open up that dialog with me, than friends who say it veiled in whispers as if trying to shield me from public knowledge.  

I hope this blog helped you gain an understanding that you didn't previously have.  And I hope you use this principal in other areas of your life.  If you have a bias against something and you don't know why, do some research.  Don't just keep thinking poorly of others for no reason.  

And if you're my friend, and you've learned something today, I hope it helps you be kinder to your direct selling friends....unless of course, this blog helped you see that their company is questionable....in that case, report the company to the Federal Trade Commission, and let them do their job.  

If you're reading this....you are a trooper.  Here are some of the resources that helped me gain my understanding of this issue.



Call It What It Is

Each of us has certain tendencies. You could call it a predisposition. You could call it a learned behavior. Seems like it's usually a combination of both.

Sometimes we have perfect awareness of our tendencies. Sometimes we're blind. Sometimes we avoid acknowledging the obvious. Or maybe we range through the whole spectrum at various points.

One of my less-than-flattering tendencies has been rearing its ugly head lately. I say 'lately' but I think it's safe to say that it's been there a LONG time and I'm just taking notice of it. In fact, many might think it's normal behavior, in and out of the Church.

I'm talking about gossip.

I really hate that word. I hate saying it in relation to myself. I can think of a million reasons why my tendency to need to acquire or share information is necessary and even productive. Really, it's a part of my genes. I've got a curious nature. What's wrong with that!? Generally, all of my information gathering and sharing is good-natured. I'm, typically, not malicious.

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, or slaves to much wine.” Titus 2:3

As I read the Bible, over and over I see an admonition to “older” women to avoid gossip and drunkenness. It's like, through the ages, though much has changed, we women, as we age, if left unchecked will likely find ourselves as luscious busy-bodies, sitting around a table of girls with a bottle of wine and lots of people to talk about.

Hear in lies the problem.

I want to be a woman of character. I want to be trustworthy. And most importantly, as I delve deeper into what I'm finding the heart of the gossip issue to be, I want to find my value and worth in the Lord.

As I've been finding this issue on the forefront of my mind and heart, I've discovered some pretty disturbing things about myself.

First of all, my words are typically kind-hearted and well-intentioned. However, my heart and thoughts have a never ending capacity for wickedness. Things I would NEVER let slip out of my mouth, cloud my mind and muddy my heart. Sometimes hateful things. More often selfish and self-promoting things.

I try to be in the practice of living authentically among my friends. I typically don't lie. I'm honest with my faults and struggles, and so are they. Our church does some things poorly, but one thing we do well is community. It's a beautiful thing and I can't tell you how blessed I am with some deeper friendships than I knew was possible.

All that to say, I'm in the habit of open sharing, both with the Lord and with those closest to me.

Every now and then I'll have a moment with the Lord where I say something, in prayer or in writing, that is revolting. And then I'll realize that that ugly nugget just came straight out of my ugly heart, from whence my words flow.

I KNOW that my mouth is capable of spewing evil. And even when I'm mature enough to filter my words through grace and wisdom, my heart exposes me still.

(This is getting long. Sorry. I'm really going somewhere with this, I promise.)

Here's what gossip looks like in my life right now. I hang out with people. Generally, you, my friends, who have taken the time to read this far. :) I ask about your life. I listen and hopefully care for your heart in connecting with what's going on with you. That's authentic, albeit probably learned. But then I ask you how so-and-so is doing. And we engage in a long conversation about them, including my opinions on the situation...and maybe a few tidbits of information I can add to the equation. You'll hear me say, “I really shouldn't say this, but...”. It's not that bad. And it's usually regarding people I genuinely love and care for.

But I'm gaining awareness about what's going on in my heart.

  1. I'm gaining significance by feeling informed about other people. I must be pretty important to know so much about others. People must really like me to keep me informed.
  2. I'm proving how important I am by having information you don't have. I knew that and you didn't. I matter, and dare I say, more than you.
  3. I'm gauging my standing in our community, relationally speaking, based on what I know. You must be closer to that person than I am, if they told you that before me. I must not be “included” in that circle if I'm not (or am) involved in those conversations.
  4. I'm making sure my opinion is heard. Listen to me. I'm so wise.
  5. I'm inwardly self-promoting or self-degrading. You're doing better than me at that. My kid is smarter than yours. The list goes on and on.

    And in all of these things, I'm making ME the star of every story...or sometimes the victim.
    This is the ugly truth as I've been discovering over the past several months, and really years. And I KNOW God wants so much more for me than that.

    God wants my value and significance to be wrapped up in Him. He wants me to know I am loved, solely because He loves. I want to be in a place where I can lay aside the need to feel valued by my standing among friends or my grossly over-indulged sense of wisdom. I want to be a woman who rests so securely in the love of my Lord that I don't need to speculate about the worth He's already given me.

    God wants my conversations with others to bring life to them, and glory to Him. The next verse in Titus 2 that I mentioned above (older women don't be gossips and addicted to wine) says, “They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” THIS this what my conversations should look like. They should be good. Giving an example of what loving a husband and kids, however imperfectly, looks like. They should be self-controlled. Pure (free from blemish). Hard working (man, I struggle here). Kind. And showing example of Godly order among our family, Christ as head, Josh and I submitted to one another in love.

    God wants to transform my wicked heart into one that more accurately reflects His, each day. He calls it Sanctification. I know Him. I love Him. But I am so incredibly far from Him. And it's such a beautiful paradox that, as I attempt to continually draw nearer to Him, I find myself farther and farther away. That sounds bad, but it's really not. Because I've stopped being the star of the story. My wickedness isn't on the stage anymore. It's His Holiness that broadens the gap. But in that gap His Grace overflows, swallows me up and wipes all blemish from my heart. I don't understand how He does it, but I desperately plead for the further sanctification of my heart, especially in this area.

This has been one of the bigger surprises I've sensed during my time thinking about this issue.
God wants to bless others with community through the removal of gossip. I think of it like the Facebook effect. I don't have to tell you that I care about you, to creep on your page and feel up-to-date. But what a removal of blessing from someone. If I really care about how someone is doing, what better way to communicate that to them, than by reaching out to them directly, to let them know I am thinking about them, and to love them amidst this crazy life. Getting information second-hand takes away the feeling of being loved and cared for by others for the one being discussed, even when it's non-malicious sharing of information. I want to foster community, even when it's time consuming.
    I know I've probably sounded like I'm coming down hard on myself. I'm really not. This is an attempt at self-processing, vulnerability and (possibly) admonition to you depending where you find yourself with this issue.
    If you're a close friend of mine, will you unite with me in my struggle? Help my conversations with you to be deep and meaningful, but devoid of information regarding others, where it doesn't affect you. If I say “I shouldn't say this, but....” Tell me not to say it.

Maybe soon I'll be at a place where I can just say, “I shouldn't say.” And then maybe I'll be able to say, “I'm not sure, you should ask them.”

I'm not there. I want to be. It really stinks to be at a place where you have awareness devoid of self-control. But I'm working at it. I'm 30 now. I've got a problem with gossip. I don't want to be 40 and have the same problem.

Thanks for reading and caring. Any thoughts to add??  



This may be the most controversial post I've ever considered making. I haven't exactly decided which direction to take it, so we'll just see where it goes.

I'm sure you're all well aware of the Chic-fil-a scandal that has filled the news and social media airways for weeks. There are so many things to say about that situation, all of which have already been said by others, probably better than I could have said them.

I'll make my view succinct and move on. I don't disagree that banning a business based on the personal beliefs of the leadership seems unconstitutional and discriminatory. I do disagree that the “christian” response should be a nationwide battle cry rallying every mainstream christian against said discrimination and, therefore, the gay-marriage issue at hand; thereby adding further layers of division (and hatred) between the two groups. In my little mind and world, the appropriate response is using the publicity to engage with those around you, to communicate love and move towards better understanding among people. Unfortunately, I think the world saw a bunch of sheep lined up under the banner of Christ, perpetuating stereotypes in a laughable display of team spirit. I could say more, but I won't.

What I really want to say is this: When did we start believing that the Christian's duty is to preserve and advance Christian agendas in politics?

I think I'm about to get really unpopular, so let me add a disclaimer. I really know nothing about politics. Also, I don't care. I couldn't be more apathetic and uninformed if I tried. This is the way I choose to handle the issue. I'm not saying it's doctrine. But consider my logic before you tune out.

So. When did it become a Christians duty to engage and promote Christian agendas in politics? I've heard the argument, “Our country was FOUNDED on Christian principles.” “We are a Christian nation.” Really? Again, I'm not a history buff, but my understanding is that our country was founded on the right to be free, and that freedom involved keeping government and religious institutions from overlapping.

Can anyone really look at me with a straight face and say that we are a christian nation (today)? Not the world I live in. Don't get me wrong. I see a lot of beauty in our world, and certainly a more main-stream christian voice than any other country in the world. But I also see pain, poverty, crime and brokenness. Sheep without a Sheperd. Maybe we are a nation with a lot of churches, but that's not what comes to mind when I imagine what God's true Christian nation, His Kingdom, will be when it reigns.

And what did Jesus say about governments?

He said to obey them, I know that. In Romans 13, Christians are admonished, 'Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.' If you look in Mark 12:13-17, you'll find the religious leaders of His time trying to trap Jesus with a question about morality. They asked Him whether or not they should pay taxes to the government of their time. Jesus asked them to bring Him a coin, and tell Him whose picture was on the coin. It was Ceasar. Ours would be Lincoln or Washington, etc. He said, give Ceasar the things that are Ceasar's, and give God the things that are God's. This speaks to the duty of Christians to be subject to and obey its leadership, knowing that God is in dominion OVER the governments over us.

What else?

He said they can't separate us from Him. In Romans 8, verse 35, the question is raised, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” Even as His followers we're persecuted, 'as sheep to be slaughtered' (vs36), he gives a long list of things that can't separate us from Christ. Governments/Rulers are included among distress, famine, danger, death, life, angels, present, past, height, depth or ANYTHING else (vs 35,38,39). Nothing can separate us from Him (except, maybe, ourselves. And that is a whole nother topic).


And He said that's not what His Kingdom is about (see The (entire) Bible). When I read the Bible, I see example after example of lovers and followers of God, who misunderstood the purpose and calling of His Kingdom. The Israelites (God's chosen Jewish followers, from thousands of years ago), waited for a Messiah who would come and give them political freedom from their oppressors. Unfortunately, many Jews are still waiting for this political overthrow today.

The apostles, Jesus' first followers who lived with and ministered with Him for 3 years before His crucifixion, also awaited a governmental overthrow. They saw Jesus' power as the opportunity they had been waiting for to throw off bondage and set up a new government, with Christ (and His principles) as head. Even after His resurrection, the book of Acts (1:6-11), records the disciples asking Jesus, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” They just didn't get it, that the kingdom of God is not one waged on a political level.

So my question remains. When did we start believing that it's a Christians duty to advocate Christian principles in government?

For me, I choose political apathy, trusting God isn't blind to or powerless against political institutions. He simply doesn't need (or ask) me to be distracted from His kingdom work, to engage in the seemingly pointless rhetoric of politics.

My stance.

I will say. If you are a follower of Christ, He has given you His Spirit to help guide you. If that Spirit has impassioned you for political issues, by all means, be faithful to the call you feel on your life. There are surely many valuable moral/ethical issues to advocate for.

But I challenge you to consider what exactly the goal is for your passion for politics, and what fruit do you see coming from it? Is it love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control? Or is it bitterness, envy, hatred, anger and the like?

Is the whole point of our faith protecting our right to say “One nation, under God” at school? To keep anyone other than man/woman from having the governmental benefits of marriage? To keep Focus on the Family and Joel Osteen on the TV and radio waves?

I could be way off, but I tend to think there's something much deeper and more profound that we're called to. Maybe you have enough energy and discipline to go around, but I certainly don't. I have too much fatigue, distraction and disobedience to spend my limited time, energy and spiritual ambition on things of that sort (although, there are certainly WORSE things to spend them on).

Just some more of Bria's thoughts to ponder. Again, I love talking about this stuff and am certainly open to rebuke. Bring it!